CEI Materials is a nationwide fabricator of Architectural Cladding Systems and Components. From concept to completion, new construction or retrofit, clients can rely on CEI Materials to deliver the highest standard of quality. CEI Materials works with Architects, General Contractors and Installers on all aspects of the project including Design Assist, Project Management, and Fabrication.

MCM R4000
CEI Materials’ Performance Tested & Approved R4000 Drained/Rear-Ventilated Rainscreen Metal Panel Systems offer rain screen technology with varying joint widths as well as color versatility.
- Rear-Ventilated Rainscreen
- Joint Width of 1/2 & 3/4”
- Independent 4mm MCM Spline Joint
- Most economical Rainscreen System
- Low Maintenance
- Let’s the Wall Breathe
- Florida Product Approval

CEI Materials’ CLADLOK™ modular panel systems offer a variety of architecturally appealing façade options not seen with your typical rainscreen systems. CLADLOK is a pressure equalized rainscreen system that is easily installed to a wide variety of substrates and subgirt systems. This cassette style plate panel system has all interlocking edges formed from 1 piece of metal and does not require any additional components other than the fasteners.